I lost you by the fountain
in light swallows of marble
burning a photographic memory
of Amor.
To touch, press, bind, knot,
and squeeze – my hand
is at the rush.
Rozzo Martello, aren’t you
more interested in that ?!
Shame is no comrade
to a man in need
and we trace a definite pattern.
You disliked it, but was forced
to follow the painters
and the public,
feasting on a new face.
Disegno or chiaro scuro,
we vote for Cicciolina.
On three: one, two, three,
We don’t care for Christian
t.v. monitors, with remote controls.
We demand a collection of essays
on the relationship between
painting, sculpture, and architecture.
That’s what we demand!
I turned the corner and the wall
caressing toothmarks
of god’s father.
Now, hands in your eyes
I dream of cream
della fascia in the garden
Of F.-C. (Roma).
Our father who art in heaven
you’ll be seeing me, you’ll
be seeing me.
This is my refuge
and the citadel
of my final stand.