Kniha z roku 2017 navazuje na předchozí knihu “České ženy bez hranic” z roku 2013 o dvanácti výjimečných ženách. Muži, kteří také emigrovali do zahraničí a na které bychom měli být hrdí, že reprezentovali naši vlast.
This 2017 book is a follow up to “Czech Women without Borders” from 2013 about twelve exceptional women. Men who also emigrated abroad and whom we should be proud of for representing our homeland.
Karel Schwarzenberg, Jiří Brady, Karel Kovanda, Petr Robejšek, Michel Fleischmann, Ivan Chadima, Jan Tříska, Miloš Forman, Rudy Linka, Steve Lichtag, Kristian Kodet, Antonín Kratochvíl
Twelve unique and inspirational lives. Twelve stories of great success, but also homesickness. They are very different and yet have something in common. It is the conviction not to be dragged along by events, but to create them, to be ready to accept and face life’s challenges. Not renouncing responsibility for the world around us. Not to look for thousands of reasons why a person cannot be happy. Instead, fill one’s life with honest and useful work, with modesty and optimism. To have a dream and following it.
These men also share the view that we should value more the freedom and democracy we already have. To be more positive, to complain less and to be proud of the enormous progress that our country has been able to make in the more than 30 years since the Velvet Revolution. It is precisely the stories of these men that bring us this knowledge. They allow us to realize how important love for one’s country is. They allow us to remind ourselves again of the horrors and dangers of totalitarianism, which are, lately, beginning to be forgotten.
They give us energy and inspiration.