22.11. – 6.12. 2024
Veronika Zahrádková and Jiří Boudník have pledged, in the event of the sale of the exhibited paintings (through auction or direct sale), to donate 50% to The Bone Marrow Transplantation Foundation – https://www.kostnidren.cz/en/
I was born in Pilsen, at the maternity ward next to the polyclinic, whose entrance is decorated by a statue of a naked woman. As a little boy I had problems with otitis media, so for me this building is associated with pain. They also tore my tonsils out there. But when I went outside the polyclinic and saw the naked woman, the feeling of pain was gone and I was admiring her beauty. This is probably where my lifelong interest in depicting a woman in Evin’s robes originates. I studied figurative drawing later, at the Munson Williams Proctor Institute in New York, where we emmigrated as a family in 1987. In 1991, I transferred to The Cooper Union School of Art – an art school in Manhattan. I devoted myself to painting and sculpture, but in the end I was enchanted by architecture, perhaps also because I studied at a construction engineering school in Pilsen. I transferred to the five-year faculty of architecture, which I finished with a diploma in 1997.
Since then I have been building skyscrapers in Manhattan and my evenings belonged to the New York women. Some of them lived with me and I was blessed with the good fortune of roommates or girlfriends whose beauty I got to record. A lot of time has passed since then (I had my last exhibition in Pilsen 18 years ago) and that’s why I returned to the topic of women.
For this exhibition, called Everybeauties, I have prepared a series of paintings, where a woman blends with water. I perceive both, woman and water, as sources of life, from woman and water we come, we spring.

29 Palms

This painting lifts the soft veil to reveal a pool courtyard on a hot, sleepy afternoon in the town of 29 Palms. But it can also be a Moroccan seraglio, it depends on personal
Oil on canvas, 31“ x 24“,
starting price $500-
A Gathering

This painting, depicting a gathering of legs, is based on a 3D scan of Barbora Strýcová, who’s legs carried her twice to win the doubles at Wimbledon (2019 and 2023).
Oil on canvas, 16“ x 12“
startovací cena 12.000,- Kč
Blue Nile Dream – Sen o Modrém Nilu

Mariana Youssef is an Egyptian girl, a Coptic Christian whose culture dates back to ancient Egypt from the time of the pharaohs and whose language is related to Aramaic and ancient Greek. On this hot day in Brooklyn, she’s cooling off with fan and daydreaming.
Oil on canvas, 39“ x 28“,
starting price $1050-
BS OVÁza se šeříky - BS OVAse with lilacs

The vase was created by a 3D scan of Barbora Strýcová’s knee and is part of the OVA project, supporting and celebrating Czech female athletes. One of the products is also
Oil on canvas, 12“ x 16“,
starting price $500-
Gaia in Brooklyn

Vaneska is contemplating life in New York, bringing a child into the world.
Oil on canvas, 24“ x 32“,
starting price $1000-
Chekhov in the pool - Čechov v bazénu

Is reading obsolete? What about reading at the pool? How about reading in the pool? A pure joy.
Oil on canvas, 32“ x 24“,
starting price $1000-
Moon bathing / koupání při úplňku

Bathing in the full moon light is a way to cool down and relax (also regulate a woman’s cycle). It is a ritual bath in which you wash away toxicity and feel a deep relaxation.
During a full moon, you will get rid of negative energy.
Oil on canvas, 40“ x 28“,
starting price $1050-
Rose of Jericho / Růže z Jericha

A double portrait of Růženka and Leo, spanning a cycle of 12 years – from the summer of 2012, when he is about to be born, to the summer of 2024, as he tears down the walls of Jericho.
Oil on canvas, 24“ x 32“,
starting price $5000-
Study at the pool – biflování u bazénu

The New York summer of 2001, carefree for some, others must study for exams. But there’s always the pool.
Oil on canvas, 39“ x 28“,
starting price $1000-
Vaneska in Williamsburg
Vaneska is a ballerina at New York’s Metropolitan Opera. We talk about life in New York, our dreams, dance and the music of Philip Glass. And we drink a good red wine from Argentina.
Oil on canvas, 24“ x 32“,
starting price $1000-
Who's got the ball? - Kdo má míč?
Oh, Summer, here I come! Who’s got the ball?
Oil on canvas, 24“ x 32“,